How Heat Loss Figures into Your Wintertime Energy Bills
Every minute that your heating system runs to maintain your desired thermostat settings or your water heater operates to generate more hot water translates directly into higher wintertime energy bills. The more you can do to prevent heat loss in your home, the less money you’ll have to spend on energy consumption.
The following tips can help you mitigate heat loss and reduce the wintertime energy bills in your Palm Beach home.
- Seal air leaks. Any air leaks in your home allow warm air to escape to a cooler outside environment. Conversely, when warm weather returns, these same leaks will allow hot outside air to infiltrate your air conditioned home. In both cases, your HVAC system has to work harder for your indoor comfort. Use caulk to seal gaps or cracks around your window frames. Seal around the exterior penetrations left from plumbing and electrical work. Replace any worn or damaged weatherstripping.
- Inspect ducts and vents. Have your ductwork inspected for leaks, inadequate insulation or debris that can prevent the flow of air. Leaky and uninsulated ductwork allows heat loss to occur before the warm air ever reaches your living space. Plus, dirty ductwork has a negative effect on your indoor air quality.
- Upgrade your insulation. If you live in an older home, it may be worth it to upgrade the insulation in your attic, exterior walls and crawl spaces to comply with current energy efficiency standards. This will prevent heat loss in the winter time and heat gain during the summer months, which will save you on your annual energy expenses.
- Water heater insulation. If you have an older water heater, consider buying a water heater blanket to enhance its insulation, especially if it’s housed in an uninsulated space. Wrap the pipes leading from the water heater to your home with insulation to prevent heat from escaping en route.
If you feel your wintertime energy bills are excessive, contact Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC. We’ll recommend improvements for the HVAC and energy systems in your Palm Beach home.
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