Reduce Spring Sneezing with HVAC Maintenance

allergies3If you want to reduce springtime allergens indoors, basic A/C maintenance is a good place to start. If your air conditioning equipment is well maintained and served by a tight ductwork system, it will circulate clean air throughout the home and keep humidity levels under control. Here are some tips for A/C maintenance that will improve indoor air quality and save energy, resulting in reduced monthly utility bills.

You can do some of these tasks yourself, but be sure to hire an HVAC professional for the more challenging projects:

  • Change the air filter regularly. Changing or cleaning the air filter before it’s clogged with dust will keep indoor air cleaner and your air conditioner from having to work too hard to keep your home cool.
  • Perform seasonal A/C maintenance. Get a scheduled maintenance contract with your local air conditioning contractor. The HVAC technician will check the cooling system and make adjustments and repairs as necessary to keep the system operating efficiently. He or she will clean air handling equipment and coils, tighten electrical connections and check coolant levels. A system that’s properly sized and balanced will cool your home and reduce humidity to inhibit mold and mildew growth.
  • Clean and repair ductwork. Ducts may need periodic cleaning to remove dust buildup, but a need for frequent cleaning may indicate that you have leaky ductwork that’s drawing outside air into the system. Duct seams should be sealed and connections should be tightened to prevent potentially hazardous air from entering your system from your utility room or garage.
  • Vacuum and sweep frequently and use vent fans. Keeping your furniture, draperies and floors clean will keep dust and allergens from getting sucked into air return ducts and distributed via the cooling system. Use bathroom and kitchen vent fans to remove moist air and irritating fumes from your house.

Contact us at Preferred Air Conditioning & Mechanical, LLC for A/C maintenance in your Palm Beach home. We can help you reduce springtime allergens indoors while we help you save money on cooling bills.


Image provided by Shutter Stock.

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